Postdoctoral Researchers

Dr Tung Tran
University of Adelaide
Tung is currently a research fellow in Prof. Dusan Losic’s Group at School of Chemical Engineering, the University of Adelaide, South Australia. He received his BSc and MSc degree at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam, in 2001 and 2005 respectively, and PhD at Korea University (KU), South Korea, in 2010, all in Materials Science and Engineering. He was a postdoc at KU (2011), LIMATB at University of South Brittany (UBS, 2011-2013) and ICPEES at CNRS-Strasbourg University (2013-2014), France. Since 2015 he has been working at the University of Adelaide. His research interests include carbon nanomaterials, conducting polymers and nanocomposites for sensors and electronic applications.