ARC Graphene Hub Annual Report
The Annual Report provides an overview of research outcomes and highlights from the ARC Graphene Research Hub. 2019 was a strong year for the Hub as we approached the midway point of the research program with many exciting achievement with new IPs, publishing + 30 papers, international exposure and bringing new partners and funding.
NematiQ and Graphene Technology Solutions (GTS) joined the program as new industry partners and their associated project contributions brought the Hub funding to over $6.2M. Research on these projects is already yielded positive outcomes with NematiQ’s water purification membranes approaching commercial readiness and GTS’ environmental remediation projects enabling construction of a large-scale demo for the oil-spill remediation technology.
Highlights from Industry partners: Current partner First Graphene produced a landmark world first graphene-enhanced safety boot using polymer formulas developed by the Hub team. This technology demonstrates the feasibility and marketability of graphene-infused safety wear. In another world first, Archer and the Hub team developed a prototype for a graphene-based medical diagnostic tool. This device will pave the way for readily accessible disease testing and monitoring. Research conducted with partner, Cleanfuture Energy, also enabled the production of a new batteries with faster changing and longer life that have the potential to revolutionise smart phone capabilities as well as the electric car industry.